We are selling sections via Bayleys who our sales team. Please contact Raewyn or Jack today. The sections are sold at the listed prices that can be viewed on the sections pages.
All offers must be submitted using the Agreement for Sale and Purchase forms that are on the sections page of our website and completed in full.
Your offer must be submitted on the Agreement of Sale and Purchase document (described above and referred to below in Step 1) and must be completed correctly as non- complying or incomplete offers will not be accepted.
This will be the first time buying land for many people so we have put together a ‘how to guide’ to ensure you know how the process works and Raewyn and Jack can also step you through this.
On tamakukuterrace.co.nz the following information is available:
Before submitting an offer, you need to be sure that you are eligible to buy a property in New Zealand according to the Overseas Investment Act 2005. If you are an overseas visitor and not a New Zealand resident or New Zealand born, then you need to check your status with this Act.
If your offer is accepted, it becomes a legally binding contract, which means you are committed to its terms. We recommend you seek legal advice before submitting your offer to ensure you understand the terms and what is required of you. We are available to discuss questions you may have.
You’ll need to make sure your finances are organised before you submit an offer. We recommend you discuss lending approval with your bank. Sometimes your bank will require a ‘turn key’ house and land price, so speak with a local builder or building company about what house designs will work on your desired lot and confirm build costs.
You must pay a deposit of 10% of the purchase price for the lot when your offer is accepted, so please make sure you have these funds available.
Your offer MUST:
Please do not submit a deposit with your offer. If your offer is accepted, you will be notified and required to pay a deposit of 10% of the purchase price within 2 working days of notification that your offer has been accepted. Payment details will be provided at the time of notification.
The sale process is completed by Bayleys and Simpson Grierson who are the legal counsel.
The enclosed Agreement is a legal document and if it is accepted by the Council, you will be legally bound. The Council is registered for GST which might have consequence depending on your situation, accordingly we strongly recommend you seek advice from your solicitor and/or accountant before signing and submitting an offer.
Talk to Jack today.
Mid West Realty Limited, Licensed under the REA Act 2008.
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